Sunset from west to east 同一天空下的夕陽

Last week we had our first visitors in Taichung and we went to see the sunset at Gaomei Wetland with them. It was busier than I had expected for a Monday but luckily not rowdy, and the crowd certainly made it a bit more interesting for honing in my photo skills. As I sat there watching the people play in the sea, I thought of the last time I watched the sunset. Same sun, yet sharp contrast in the surroundings.

Three months ago OH and I were doing a 3 week tour around England and Scotland before heading out to Taiwan.  One of our stops was at a little village called Morar in the Scottish Highlands. The owner of the B&B that we stayed at told us about a hill nearby which offered gorgeous sunset views. After a short climb, we were greeted by the breathtaking view of the Isle of Rum which has a population of around 30 people. Our B&B was just hidden behind the bushes on the hilltop, but the other quaint white buildings along the road painted a very pictureque view of Morar.

OH and I sat on the hilltop on that chilly March evening, quiet and serene as if it was just the two of us in the whole wide world. We soaked in the amazing sunset, watching as it gradually disappeared behind the Isle of Rum, and eventually the sky turning bright red. As I watched this, I knew it would be a while before I would see such beautiful sunset from the UK again.

Gaomei Wetland, 27 June 2016
Morar Sunset, 16 March 2016



Morar Village


三個月前OH和我在出發台灣前,在英格蘭和蘇格蘭環島自駕遊。其中一站是位於蘇格蘭高地一個叫Morar的小村莊。我們住那家B&B民宿主人説附近有個小山丘可看到華麗的日落美景。於是我們從那幾百级石路慢慢住上爬,不久就到小山丘顶。迎接我們是屹立在夕陽前只有三十人居住的美麗小島Isle of Rum。向右望是Morar小村莊,可惜我們住的B&B剛被灌木叢遮掩看不到。Morar其他優美的白色建築物座立於海難傍正好畫出大自然一只美麗油畫。

在那個寒冷的三月黃昏下,OH和我坐在小山丘上看着日落,四周一個人也没有,幽靜的環境仿佛整個世界只得我俩。我們看著迷人的日落逐漸在 Isle of Rum 背後消失,然後晚霞出來才依依不舍離開。我知道這晚後我會有一段頗長時間不會看到英國這美麗的日落。

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