台灣青年管樂團 Taiwan Youth Band

  昨晚我到台中中山堂欣賞台灣青年管樂團的演出。雖然是一場免費音樂會,但演出一點也不馬虎,以我這個門外漢來說甚至覺得十分有水準。 Last night I went to see the Taiwan Youth Band perform at Taichung. Although it was a free concert, their performance was nothing short of top notch. 演奏歌曲除了台灣及日本民謠,還有現代電影樂曲。其中令我最驚喜的是高山青,一首很久沒有聽過的樂曲。當耳熟能詳的音符響起,我就想起小時候聽這歌時,總是覺得它有點土,但現在在這寶島生活,聽起來又有另一種截然不同的感覺。 The programme consist not only of local Taiwan and Japanese folksongs, but also soundtracks from popular movies. I was pleasantly surprised by a Taiwan folksong called... Continue Reading →

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